
Content inserted with ::after is inserted after other content within the element and is displayed inline by default. The content value is specified using the content property.


element::after { content: "text" }

Element - this can be (for example) - class, id and other selectors.

Content - it can be (for example) - a word, a link, a color, and other properties.

Visual presentation

<p class="your-class"> New content is added to CSSPortal. </p> added after


Add text at the end of the sentence.

	<p class="new-text">New content is added to CSSPortal.</p> 
	<p>Here is the normal text to show that nothing will happen here.</p> 
	<p class="danger-text">We will try not to delete anything important.</p>


	content: " - COOL!";
	color: green;
	{ content: " - WARNING!";
	color: red;

New content is added to CSSPortal.

Here is the normal text to show that nothing will happen here.

We will try not to delete anything important.